Student Solution


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Oregon Trail Travel Discussion

Oregon Trail Travel Discussion

Q You are going to read Chapter 3 in the text, the Myths of the West lecture, watch the two videos especially the Oregon Trail video, and read some of these diaries at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. You then are going back in time and take your family on a trip along the Oregon Trail. You are going to describe the problems of preparation, the geographic highlights along the trail, and the problems you face along the trail. Finally you have reached Oregon the end of the trail and you will tell which problem you felt was the #1 problem of travel on the Oregon Trail. You are not required to respond to any students' description of the travel or their choice of the # 1 problem for this assignment. Enjoy your trip on the trail.

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I had taken my family on a trip along the Oregon Trail in 1845. This is because there had been conditions detrimental to live. There had been ancient antique items which had been kept in my house for a long time. My mother had obtained the antique items from one of her old friends. She had kept it by preserving it very well. However, once she had known that there had been an urgent requirement to sell the antique items, she had never hesitated. We had acquired the required necessities by selling off the antique items.